NINE benefits of pecans we’re going nuts over!
The pecan nut, part of the tree nut family comes mainly from the USA and actually the USA supplies nearly 80% of the worlds demand for pecans! What we don’t shout about enough is the even lesser known pecan qualities… Apart from being delicious, they’re bursting with nutrients and are powerhouses that make for the perfect snack and ingredients in your recipe of choice.
Here’s the NINE reasons we love Pecan nuts and decided to put them in our Salted Caramel and Pecan NINE bar – the star of the show:
1. They are important for immune health.
The seeds in all NINE bars offer a source of immune support from the selenium and copper in our seeds but also provide phytonutrients, plant-based compounds that have powerful antioxidant benefits. They’re also a good source of the mineral zinc, crucial for immune-cell development and function. Diets high in zinc are linked with a lower risk of many diseases, particularly those related to age and lifestyle.
2. They can actually be helpful for weight loss.
While it’s true that nuts contain lots of fat, the type found in tree nuts and fruit (e.g. olives) can actually promote weight loss and maintenance. That’s because nuts are a filling source of oleic acid, a better-for-you fat that makes you feel full while also boosting heart health. Eating every three to four hours and making more of your meals plant-based are also key to successful, long-term weight loss. As a deliciously satisfying snack, pecans are a good one to keep on hand for a nutritious nosh that won’t leave you feeling deprived.
3. They’re surprisingly low in sugar.
Not only do they contain very little sugar, but pecans may also help improve blood sugar levels overall by slowing down the rate of absorption from the bloodstream into peripheral tissues. This helps maintain energy levels and prevent blood sugar spikes, which ultimately lead to major crashes later on.
4. They can boost brain power.
It may not be news to you that nuts are some of the most nutritious foods, but amazingly, the vitamin E and other antioxidants in plant-based foods help reduce oxidative stress caused by inflammation, protecting cells and therefore tissues of vital organs like your brain.
5. They are important for heart health
Pecans are packed full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat linked to improving total cholesterol levels. Another benefit to these tasty tree nuts: Pecans are filled with beta carotene and vitamin E, which protect cells from damage by mitigating the effects of chronic inflammation.
Pecans are excellent sources of manganese and copper, two minerals that boost overall metabolic health, may contain anti-inflammatory properties, and potentially help reduce risk of heart disease. The added benefit: These nutrients have shown promise specifically in preventing in high blood pressure.
7. A little goes a long way.
Just 28g of pecans (about 19 halves) is 200 calories, 3 grams of fibre, 3 grams of protein, and 20 grams of mostly unsaturated fats, making it a hearty, satisfying snack with loads of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
8. They’re full of flavonoids.
Pecans have more flavonoids — a type of antioxidant found mostly in vegetables and fruit — than any other tree nut. Some key flavonoid-filled foods to pair with pecans: Apples, blueberries, grapes, prunes, strawberries, and peppers are all delicious with a 15g portion.
9. They make a great star ingredient.
Complementing our super seeds, adding pecans to the mix has made a wonderful filling, satisfying and delicious Salted Caramel & Pecan NINE bar just bursting with powerful health benefits.