The humble power of Chia Seeds and how to use them to make a delicious pud!
Chia seeds have become one of the most popular superfoods in recent years and here’s why…
Chia seeds have become one of the most popular superfoods in recent years and here’s why…
Did you know that the word chia literally means “strength” in the Mayan language and historically chia seeds were known as “runners’ food” because runners and warriors would use them as fuel whilst running long distances or when fighting in battle? No? We didn’t either but in today’s fast paced world, it is so important to make sure we are taking time and care to look after our health and wellbeing so having such a nutritionally dense seed like chia in our food repertoire is so important to help us keep powering on through!
But seriously, for such a tiny seed, chia is quite high in healthy fats and boasts more omega 3’s than salmon. So not only does it provide you essential nutrients that hold many health benefits it also contains linoleic acid, a fatty acid that helps us absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K which you know, are kind of important for our body. It’s not just about the omega 3 either, just one ounce (28g) of chia seeds has about 18% of the recommended daily amount of calcium which is fundamental to helping maintain strong, healthy bones.
Did we mention anti-oxidants? It’s high in these too. Chia seeds are one of nature’s richest high-antioxidant foods and it is these antioxidants that speed up the skin’s repair systems and prevent further damage.
At NINE we understand the power of good seeds and we believe by adding wonderfully nutritious seeds like chia to our bars we are providing people with access to healthier snacking options that hopefully help towards making them feel that little bit better on the inside and out.
So, whether you are actually running a marathon or have your own metaphorical marathon to face, we hope you get a little pleasure from our great tasting NINE bars to help you on your way.
If you want to add even more chia seeds to your day then here’s a great recipe for Chia Pudding which stars our very own Berry & Chia NINE bar for that added deliciousness.
Chia and avocado choc pud
Here’s a pudding that’s absolutely chock-full of chocolatey, chia-ey charm. Better still, it’s also full of good fats so you can now afford to get all self-indulgent completely guilt-free! It’s creamy and it’s dreamy; it’s our heavenly chia and avocado choc pud recipe.
Serves 4
- 2 very ripe avocados
- 113g cup honey or maple syrup
- 43g cup cocoa powder
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ tsp ground chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Divide the pudding accordingly and pop it in the fridge for 30 minutes (don’t be impatient – good things come to those who wait!). Finally time for your toppings, sprinkle with chopped nuts, crumbled Chia & Berries NINE and even a blob of greek yoggy if you fancy it!

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